High Blood Pressure and Pain Symptoms: It is VITAL!
When was the last time you checked your blood pressure? It might have been at the doctor's office, or maybe at your local pharmacy. Knowing and checking your blood pressure is an important part of your health and is something that should be well regulated and monitored. As a physical therapist, monitoring blood pressure is important to make sure exercise is safe, as working out with elevated or low values can be unsafe.
Did you know : Elevated blood pressure may be the reason for some of your pain?
That's right. We have treated numerous patients that entered into Physical Therapy with complaints of shoulder pain, neck pain, facial ache, headaches, or loss of balance secondary to elevated blood pressures. These symptoms may not be coming from your muscles, bones or nerves. Instead, symptoms of high blood pressure, or hypertension, may actually be manifesting into your pain.
When a blood pressure reading is too high, or too low, we refer a patient back to his or her primary care doctor. In some instances, if unsafe levels are noted, a patient may be referred to the Emergency Department for further work up and evaluation.

What is Normal Blood Pressure?
Normal/healthy Blood Pressure: 120/80
Pre-Hypertension (Early High Blood Pressure levels): 121-139/ 80-89
Hypertension Type I: 140-159/90-99
Hypertension Type II: 160 or higher/ 100 or higher
Hypertension Crisis: Higher than 180/ Higher than 110
Now remember, blood pressure fluctuates day to day, hour to hour and based on your activity level. To be classified into one of these categories, your blood pressure must be of consistent values, monitored over a period of 2 weeks.
What do you do if your Blood Pressure is high?
Contact your physician. He or she will direct you for the most appropriate treatment.
If you have any questions, or would like one of our Physical Therapists to assess your blood pressure, please stop in. We are happy to help you and make sure you are healthy!
For additional information and further education about hypertension, please visit the American Heart Association